AN elderly Earls Colne couple were left without access to water at their home for almost 24 hours after a pipe burst in their kitchen.

Brian Clay and his wife live in an Eastlight housing association home on Dudley Road, Earls Colne.

The couple returned home on Sunday evening (September 1) to find their kitchen had flooded due to a leak in the copper piping.

Mr Clay said: “When we got back there was a minor flood in the kitchen.

“I located the stopcock and turned it off, so we had no water. 

“I rang Eastlight first thing Monday morning to report the fault and they assured me somebody would be out to assist.

“By 3pm no one had been to our home, and we’d had no update from Eastlight at all.”

Mr Clay said he had to call Eastlight a third time at 8pm on Monday, as they still hadn’t been visited by an engineer.

“I called someone at 3pm, and then again at 8pm," he said.

“We were told the same thing – someone will be out to you, it’s been raised as an emergency.

“I’m 80 and my wife is 75 - we couldn’t wash, or even flush the toilet.

“No one got to us until 9pm.”

Charlotte Todd, executive director for property at Eastlight Community Homes, said: “We recognise how important is it for residents to stay safe in their home, and I’m sorry that we haven’t met Mr and Mrs Clay’s expectations here.

“We aim to respond to emergency situations within 24 hours and I’m pleased we visited and fixed the leak within 12 hours of receiving the initial call.

“One of our managers has since visited Mr and Mrs Clay to find a resolution that meets their needs and has discussed covering the cost of the outstanding repairs required.”