TOWN friends hosted an afternoon tea fundraiser in Halstead in celebration of a local lady’s cancer remission news.

The event in the High Street was set up and organised by friends and colleagues, Sam Smith, 56, and Deb Barron, 62, after Deb received the news she was in remission after nine months of Breast Cancer treatment.

After being diagnosed in September last year, Deb was determined to continue with life throughout chemotherapy and other treatments and continued to work as bar manager at Halstead’s Con Club, where the event was held.

She said: “I was really happy to be told I was in remission.

“The support I’ve received at work, and from my family is overwhelming.

“I didn’t realise until I was diagnosed how many members of the club had also experienced it, it’s nice to give something back."

 Support - Helen (left and Deb (right) plan to celebrate their happy news further, over a bottle of champagneSupport - Helen (left and Deb (right) plan to celebrate their happy news further, over a bottle of champagne (Image: Halle Groves)

Deb’s friend and colleague, Sam supported her throughout her illness and was eager to celebrate the news with a public fundraiser.

“We’re like a family here at the Con Club, everyone knows and cares for each other," she said.

“It’s amazing and we want to give something back and help support Deb and others that have been affected by breast cancer.

“You just don’t realise how many people have been touched by it until you talk about it."

The fundraiser saw a huge spread of cakes, cookies, and pastries, as well as games like name the teddy, pin the cherry on the bakewell, and guess the weight of the cake – all supplied by Sam and Deb.

 Fun - The pair set up games for visitors to enjoy, including name the teddy, pin the cherry on the Bakewell, and guess the weight of the cakeFun - The pair set up games for visitors to enjoy, including name the teddy, pin the cherry on the Bakewell, and guess the weight of the cake (Image: Halle Groves)

The pair received support, donation boxes, posters, booklets and information from chosen charity, Breast Cancer Now, in aid of the fundraiser.

The fundraiser was advertised via Facebook, public posters and invitations, with 45 of the Deb’s friends, family members and other cancer survivors attending.

Halstead resident and event attendee, Helen Ingram, 66, also received the "wonderful" news she was cancer free earlier this month, after being diagnosed with breast cancer last September.

She said: “When the doctor said the words ‘you don’t have cancer anymore’ I felt wonderful.

“I’ve gone through it cheerfully – just like Deb – you’ve got the diagnosis so it’s no good being miserable.

“I feel so loved by my family, and friends – they’re my army and that’s important."

“It’s lovely to be here and to be around people as I found it really hard to restrict my social life throughout treatments."

The fundraising event raised an impressive £960 in donations for Breast Cancer Now and was followed by a bingo night at the Con Club, where a further £41 was raised – taking the total to £1,001.

“We are so pleased the event, and the bingo night, went really well," said Sam.

“A huge thank you to everyone that helped us hit the magic number of £1,000."