A TEACHER with inoperable cancer has raised £20,000 towards private treatment to extend and improve her life.

Melissa Hardy, 38, a science teacher at Halstead’s Ramsey Academy, has now raised more than £20,000 through GoFundMe towards life-saving cancer treatment, one-third of her goal.

Mel said the amount raised so far is "incredible".

"It feels amazing to be a third of the way," she added.

Mel, a mother of one, was diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer in May 2023, when she was rushed into emergency surgery to save her life and remove a large tumour.

After learning she will have to stay on maintenance chemotherapy for life, Mel found an alternative private treatment in Germany, which is not available in the NHS.

Since starting her GoFundMe in late 2023, there have been 310 donations to her treatment.

Mel said: “It’s amazing. I feel like I have a lot of support.”

Various fundraising events have taken place, with one of Mel’s daughters’ classmates cutting her hair short, which raised £800.

They hosted a quiz and auction which raised £8,000, and her sister, brother, and his work colleagues raised £12,000 in a Tough Mudder challenge

One of her brother’s colleagues raised £2,000 in the London Marathon, and her sister ran the Chelmsford half marathon with some friends and raised £5,000.

Mel said: “It’s very emotional watching them do that.

“My daughter also wants to fundraise. We’re trying to think what she can do.”

Mel has had a course of 12 chemotherapy treatments but is worried about the damage chemotherapy will cause to her body if she remains on maintenance chemotherapy for life.

She is aiming for dendritic cell therapy, which can help the body’s immune system recognise and attack cancer cells.

Mel said: “I’d feel really lucky if I could actually get there, because not everybody has access to it and a lot of people don’t even know what’s available in other European countries.

“I’d say I’ve had to be very determined. And I’d say to people, don’t just accept the first thing you’re told, always get a second and third opinion.

“I’ve learnt a lot and it completely changes your perspective on life.”

Mel’s Go Fund Me can be found here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/beat-bowel-cancer