RESIDENTS of a busy Wakes Colne road have spoken up about reimplementing a 22-year-old road safety campaign after the death of a neighbour.

On June 4, it was announced by Essex Police that an elderly woman had died, in Station Road, Wakes Colne, following an incident involving a car and a pedestrian.

This was the latest incident, in a long line of concerns about the road according to the people who live there – many feel the road is not safe due to a list of issues with in.

Over two decades ago, in June 2002, Station Road resident Peter Twyford implemented a campaign to help stop drivers dangerously speeding along the road.

Road - more signageRoad - more signage (Image: Peter Twyford)

At the time, the residents of the road were so worried, they wrote to MP Bernard Jenkin, and the campaign received coverage from the media.

He has now implemented it again.

Signs that say ‘pedestrian area caution’ and ‘30mph slow down’ have been set up in the front gardens of properties along the road.

Denise Stocker, lives on Station Road, and believes adding the signs has helped to an extent.

She said: “Here we are in 2024, still fighting for road safety 22 years after seeing the first ‘home-made’ signs in Station Road.

“Today, we believe that drivers seeing so many large 30mph signs in close succession is having a positive effect on some drivers however, we are fully aware that this is not the long-term solution.

Not happy - residents of Station Road Stella Hounslow, Alan Cochram, Denise Stocker, and Peter TwyfordNot happy - residents of Station Road Stella Hounslow, Alan Cochram, Denise Stocker, and Peter Twyford (Image: Newsquest)

“Safety for all users of Station Road is paramount with everyone acknowledging that this section of road is shared between pedestrians and drivers alike.”

Peter said: “On June 4 this year, a fatal accident happened, and we lost a very dear elderly resident of Station Road.

“As you are aware, we have again erected our own traffic slowdown signs.

“Why the signs in 2024? To slow traffic, to protest as no action has been taken in this serious situation.

“Personally, I really feel it is not being taken seriously enough, just hot air.

“It's coming close to two months since the sad event with no practical solution in sight.

“And furthermore, it would be a delightful happy dream and relief, if the councillors, MPs, and Essex Highways took notice of our serious plea.”