Halstead’s Rotary Club has celebrated its 75th year with its annual charity evening held at Colne Valley Golf Club.

Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (Rotary GB&I) is the association of Rotary clubs within England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland.

Rotary GB&I has 53,000 members across the UK, distributed across 1,850 clubs.

Rotary clubs are based within local communities, with regular member meetings to plan projects that aim to better the lives of others.

Halstead Rotary Club holds a Charity Evening each year, where donations are presented to charities the club has helped throughout the year.

This year, the event took place on May 30, where club president, Keith Brownlie, presented five different charities with cheques – totalling £1,500.

The charities supported are Felsted Aid, receiving £250, Halstead Day Centre, receiving £250, Pebmarsh Church, receiving £310, Home Start Essex, receiving £300, and Rotary Foundation for Aid to Gaza and ‘End Polio Now’, receiving £450.

Halstead Rotary Club hosted a number of fundraising activities, including a quiz night and a joint-hosted concert, with the Hedingham Singers.

A spokesman for the group said: “It was a fantastic evening - It was so rewarding that all of these charities have benefited through out fun and entertaining fundraising efforts."

For more information, visit Halstead Rotary on Facebook.