A HALSTEAD school has won a countywide competition aimed at promoting maths.

As part of The Essex Year of Numbers, Holy Trinity Primary School entered the Lord Lieutenant of Essex’s competition which aimed to focus on exploring how maths is “all around us”.

Holy Trinity was not only the winner of the whole school category but was deemed by the judges to be the overall winner in Essex.

Following the success, Lord Lieutenant of Essex Jennifer Tollhurst and her Deputy, Catharine Hutley, visited the school to present prizes and certificates, which included a £125 book voucher.

The Lord Lieutenant also praised the children’s maths work, their conduct and the school’s maths lead Donna Raven for her input.

Ms Tollhurst said: “The numbers projects you prepared were tremendous, and brilliantly displayed. I wish I had had a maths teacher like Mrs Raven.

“I will always think of Holy Trinity when I put on my white gloves.

“Many congratulations indeed on winning the awards.”

Mrs Raven said: “The Lord Lieutenant's competition generated a lot of excitement.

“By encouraging creativity and a passion for numbers, pupils of all ages delivered an array of wonderful and inspiring pieces.

“The children are so excited to have won the competition and we will continue to embrace the magic of maths across the school.”

School headteacher Sarah Rowe added: "It is great our wonderful school is once again being recognised for going above and beyond.

“This comes shortly after receiving the Christian Aid Global Neighbours Bronze Award, the first school in the Chelmsford Diocese which is a group of 139 schools.

“We are truly very proud of our school community and all of our achievements."