A GROUP of inspirational firefighters are feeling “amazed” after achieving the UK’s highest ladder pitch by while raising thousands for charity.

Halstead Station firefighters Tom Easter, Brandon Noble, Steve Hill, Gareth Robertson, James Clarke, Liam Stanhope, Tony Claydon, Dave Forster, Chay Pumfret, Steve Derrick and Luke Kirby hiked up Ben Nevis on Saturday.

The group took on the challenge in aid of the Fire Fighters Charity which helps serving and retired UK firefighters and their families with support and resources.

However, it was made even more difficult by the team wearing heavy-duty fire uniforms as well as carrying a fire service ladder and a large banner sponsored by Halstead businesses.

Halstead Gazette: Impressive - the team with the sponsored bannerImpressive - the team with the sponsored banner (Image: Halstead Fire Station)

As a completely self-funded trip, the group had been planning the gruelling challenge for several months and trained regularly for it.

Arriving at Ben Nevis at 6am, the group spent the next nine hours and seven minutes hiking up and then back down the mountain, which is 1,345 metres above sea level.

Firefighter Tom previously said the record was unofficial.

The 32-year-old has now spoken about the challenge and how the group felt when arriving at the top.

Halstead Gazette: Adventure - the group taking a photo mid challengeAdventure - the group taking a photo mid challenge (Image: Halstead Fire Station)

Halstead Gazette: Journey - another image of the firefighters making their way up the mountainJourney - another image of the firefighters making their way up the mountain (Image: Halstead Fire Station)

He said: “It was more arduous than we had anticipated, everyone found it a lot harder than we thought it would be during training.

“One thing we couldn’t train for was the 20-degree heat, and the specific incline, we found it way harder than the training.

“Getting to the top in the heat and carrying all that equipment and to complete the challenge… it was an incredible achievement, everyone felt overwhelmed.

“It has been a long journey and we are pleased the job is done.”

Over the last few months, the group set out to reach its £5,000 JustGiving target, through a car wash, the sponsored banner and now the mountain hike.

Halstead Gazette: Happy - a group selfieHappy - a group selfie (Image: Halstead Fire Station)

Halstead Gazette: Hard work - members of the team carrying the ladder up the mountainHard work - members of the team carrying the ladder up the mountain (Image: Halstead Fire Station)

The group has currently beaten its target, raising more than £7,000 so far.

“I think everyone in the team needs some recognition," said Tom.

“There have also been a lot of unsung heroes to help us get here, like our wives, families, friends, the social media support from the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, and more, we are so grateful.”

To donate, visit tinyurl.com/5m5wsk2j.