POLICE and pet pooches collided as officers paid a visit to a special puppy meet-up event.

A couple of Essex Police’s PCSOs called in to see the Essex Spaniel Get-Together Club meet near Colne Engaine this weekend.

They spoke to lots of the members of the club and were shown some of the training dogs do.

A spokesman added: “Did you know that in Essex we have a Dog Watch?

“Dog Watch is a free Essex Police-led scheme. It is aimed at individual dog owners and dog walkers, and also members of the dog-related service industry such as vets, grooming parlours and more are also welcome to join.”

As part of Dog Watch, Essex Police provide the community with weekly emailed reports about crimes relating to dogs, so residents can be aware of what is happening in their area and be extra careful when allowing their dogs out in their garden or when exercising them at locations nearby or elsewhere in the county.

Police will also send you topical information about matters that can affect a dog’s health and personal security.

For more information visit bit.ly/3X1Pg6g.