A NEW bid has revealed plans to build a 25 metre tall mast in Halstead capable of delivering 5G connectivity.

Developers, Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited, are hoping to get the green light from Braintree Council planners to build the new mast at the Courtauld Sports Club off Upper Fenn Road.

Cornerstone currently rent the land at the sports club from Halstead Town Council.

The plot is home to a 15 metre tower but Cornerstone are looking to knocked down the current structure and replace it with a bigger mast.

The new mast would be 25 metres tall and upgrade on current 2G, 3G and 4G service.

Developers also say the mast would add new 5G coverage to the area.

The introduction of 5G coverage across the UK has sparked controversy in recent years with some believing it had adverse health impacts.

To belay concerns, Cornerstone also included an information guide on 5G technology in their application from Mobile.uk.

It says that while 5G uses radio waves, these are now high enough on the electro-magnetic spectrum to be ionising, which means it isn't strong enough to cause people harm.

In a covering letter, Cornerstone said: "The enclosed application is identified as the most suitable site option and design that balances operational need with local planning policies and national planning policy


"It will deliver public benefit in terms of the mobile services it will provide."