STAFF at a care home have raised thousands after their colleague was diagnosed with cancer.

Workers at the New Deanery and St Mary’s Court care homes in Bocking raised more than £2,500 after collectively running 900 miles across January.

The money raised will go towards stem cell transplants on behalf of colleague and manager of the New Deanery Jane Sadowski, who was diagnosed with blood cancer towards the end of last year.

Teams from both homes wanted to show their support, so installed treadmills to help 30 of their members run 30 miles each.

Activities Manager Jo Whitehouse discovered Anthony Nolan’s Zero to Hero challenge and received interest from every department, including housekeepers, carers, nurses, and kitchen staff.

Jo created a JustGiving page with a £1,000 goal which was passed within the first two weeks of the challenge, with sponsors ranging from friends and family to care home residents and their relatives.

She said: “Some people were understandably nervous about reaching their 30-mile targets, but team spirit took over and everyone gave it their all.

“We were also joined by two family members, our local vicar, Father Rod Reid from St Mary’s Church; our Finance Director Jo Moore and our CEO Julia Clinton.”

Every staff member was able to run 30 miles in January by using the treadmills at work and organising routes in their spare time.

One team member, Nikki Wheeler, even decided to run 30 miles every week in January.

The amount raised will be enough to add 63 potential new donors to the stem cell register through Anthony Nolan.

Jane, who inspired the team after her diagnosis, said: “I can’t begin to tell you how humbled I feel for the achievements made by our staff for an organisation who do so much good.

“The team have once again surpassed themselves. Because of them, many people will be given a fighting chance against cancer.”

“Thank you seems feeble. My gratitude knows no bounds but my pride in this exceptional team reaches new heights.

“God bless you all who give me the strength to fight on when I thought nothing could inspire me to do so.”

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