A POST-CHRISTMAS annual run is taking place in Halstead after being cancelled last year.

The Boxing Day Turkey Trot is an annual event organised by local running club, the Halstead Road Runners.

It was called off last year like many other events due to the pandemic.

The event is a 5km (3.1 mile) run around the town where runners and walkers aim to finish as close to their predicted times as possible.

Participants are not allowed to wear timing devices to ensure fair play.

On top of this, runners are encouraged to wear fancy dress with cash prizes on offer to members of Halstead Road Runners.

The winner’s trophy is presented in memory of former member Fred Humphrey with the cash prizes donated by another former member Brian Brown.

The route starts and finishes at Courtauld Sports Ground and the event is open to all.

Walkers start at 9:30am and runners at 10:00am.

Chairwoman Charlotte May said: “It is fantastic to be able to host our annual Turkey Trot event again this year after cancelling last years due to the pandemic.

“Bob Langley always organises a superb event and it is always nice to see so many people from the local community come and take part.

“Please give our runners a cheer if you see them out on Boxing Day morning.”

The route is not signed so anyone is interested in taking part should see the map and route description on the Halstead Road Runners Facebook page.