Parents have submitted a claim against a hospital trust after their four-year-old son died of cancer.

Mackenzie Cackett died in May 2012 after he was diagnosed with a spine tumour.

He had initially become unwell in 2010 and was diagnosed with a brain tumour in February 2011, which he successfully fought with radical proton therapy in Florida.

His parents Danielle and James Cackett said they then took him to Colchester General Hospital with stomach pain between November 2011 and January 2012, but claim they were told it was unlikely to be linked to the brain tumour.

Mackenzie became paralysed from the waist down in January 2012 and was diagnosed with the spine tumour.

The claim is based on allegations Mackenzie had to wait about three months for a head and spine scan before he was diagnosed with the initial cancer in February 2011, and that his secondary tumour was initially misdiagnosed.

A spokesman for Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust said: "We would again like to pass on our most sincere condolences and sympathy to the Cackett family following the death of Mackenzie in May 2012.

"The Trust has received notification of a claim from solicitors representing the family.

"The claim is being dealt with and it would be inappropriate for the Trust to comment publicly any further at the present time."