Braintree Council is looking to invest more money in property.

It recently bought a property in Colchester Business Park for £3.95million, which is expected to bring in a net rent of £184,000 a year.

Cabinet members have also agreed to buy the head-leasehold on an industrial unit in Crittall Drive, Braintree, at an undisclosed price.

It already owns the freehold on the building.

A finance report said the council has also invested £10million in equity and property funds, which will generate an estimated £430,000 in 2015/15.

And it intends to make £94,500 from generating electricity via solar panels on its buildings and find ways of using the land and property it owns, including sharing them with other public sector organisations or identifying housing development sites.

Finance reports presented to cabinet members on Monday show investment opportunities in recent months have made the council £421,000 better off.