A woman living in an accident blackspot road is threatening to put up her own signs to warn motorists against speeding.

Susan Ogilvie, 63, has lived in Swan Street, Sible Hedingham, for six years and has designed posters to display at each end of the street saying 'drive as fast as you like through our village, we need dead bodies before we can have 30mph in force.'

She has complained to Essex Highways, who are responsible for enforcing measures to slow traffic, after a serious accident left a motorcyclist with a broken leg in the road on October 28.

It was the latest in a string of crashes over the years, including four cars colliding with houses in the past two years alone.

Highways responded to Mrs Ogilvie, saying there would need to have been four police-reported incidents in a 50m radius and an identifiable trend of accidents in the last five years to enforce calming measures and the road does not qualify.

Chairman of Sible Hedingham parish council, Gill Massey, said: “I would really like to stress how hard we have worked on behalf of villagers and parishioners to try and have a dialogue with Highways.

“We are very aware and we are very concerned but largely it is out of our hands.”

A spokesman for Essex Highways said speeding was a police matter.